Maximizing Athletic Performance with IV Vitamin Therapy and Cryotherapy

IV vitamin therapy and cryotherapy have taken the health and wellness scene by storm. They effectively address micronutrient imbalances, support post-surgical recovery, and optimize athletic recovery. Castle Rock Regenerative Healthcare offers cryotherapy and IV therapy tailored to each individual and for any activity level, even American Ninja Warriors!

Keep reading to learn more about maximizing athletic performance with cryotherapy and IV vitamin therapy. Explore all the benefits of this revolutionary method for improving and maintaining optimal health.

IV Vitamin Therapy for Hydration and Recovery

Physician-guided intravenous vitamin therapy delivers micronutrients in effective and safe doses. The process quickly helps patients reap the benefits faster than an oral supplement is digested. Those with malabsorption or gastrointestinal disorders often benefit more from intravenous (IV) delivery of micronutrients as well. Many of its wellness applications are very beneficial for rehydrating after workouts and gym recovery. At Castle Rock Regenerative Healthcare, your IV is prepared at the time of service, with our organic vitamins and minerals.

Cryotherapy for Post-Surgical Recovery 

Cryotherapy is the application of generalized or localized cold therapy. Localized cryotherapy is particularly helpful in reducing localized swelling and pain in post-surgical situations, such as after a knee replacement or shoulder surgery

Cryotherapy is a great recovery tool for not only post-op pain management but also speeding up recovery time. It even has benefits for those who experience overuse injuries or tendonitis.

Cryotherapy for Performance Recovery

Cryotherapy is also a fantastic tool for sports and exercise recovery. From trail running to intense basketball games, cryotherapy has been shown to reduce muscle soreness and restore muscle strength better than a good night’s sleep. 

Training at altitude in Colorado can cause oxidative stress to the body and muscle tissues. Cyclists, runners, and other athletes can find particular benefits in cryotherapy. Improved recovery time, boosted overall performance, and enhanced vagal drive are all recorded outcomes of cryotherapy. Sessions are only a few minutes long.

Cryotherapy for Overall Wellness

Cryotherapy sessions can also help promote overall health and wellness. Defend against aging-related conditions with this revolutionary technology as a preventative measure. It’s especially helpful for those with rheumatic conditions or who need a boost of mental clarity. This cutting-edge wellness technology can enhance sleep quality, improve appetite regulation, and increase energy and mood.

Maximize Your Athletic Performance Today

Our clients, Max Feinberg and Kaden Lebsack of American Ninja Warrior, both swear by cryotherapy and IV vitamin therapy to bring out their best ninjas in practice and competition. If it’s this groundbreaking for competitors at this level, imagine what IV vitamin therapy and cryotherapy can do to enhance your physical and mental performance!

Castle Rock’s IV therapy treatments are tailored to each individual based on their activities and needs. Our cryotherapy packages can be full-body or localized to a specific area and optimized for post-surgical, athletic, or general wellness objectives. 

Castle Rock Regenerative Healthcare will cater to your wellness needs professionally and effectively. See what IV vitamin therapy and cryotherapy can do. Get to feeling the best you’ve ever felt and reach your peak performance goals. Book an appointment today! 



Intravenous Multivitamin Therapy Use in Hospital or Outpatient Settings: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness and Guidelines

Cryotherapy in Postoperative Shoulder Surgery: A Systematic Review 

The Effects of Cryotherapy on Early Rehabilitation Following Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective Cohort Study

Pre-Exercise Whole- or Partial-Body Cryotherapy Exposure to Improve Physical Performance: A Systematic Review

A Single Session of Whole-Body Cryotherapy Boosts Maximal Cycling Performance and Enhances Vagal Drive at Rest.

Whole-body cryotherapy in orthopaedics: current concepts